图片摘要 | Graphical Abstract

导读 | Introduction
Global warming is an important issue facing society today. Bio carbon storage in soils is a potential natural-based solution for carbon sequestration. In recent years, Lehmann and others have repeatedly introduced and recommended this technology in "Nature". In response to the large-scale implementation potential and feasibility of soil-bio carbon sequestration proposed by him, the team of Academician Lizhong Zhu has been committed to systematic researches (i.e. key influencing factors, macro-scale bio application scenarios, the overall potential of bio carbon sequestration in farmland soil in China), which provide scientific basis to maximize the potential of bio carbon sequestration in soil environment to promote the realization of carbon neutrality. Recently, they have revealed the mystery of bio "earth armor". Today, let us take a look at the mystery of the "earth armor". Can it promote carbon storage?

Fig. 1.Scanning electron micrographs of fresh bio and aged bio
2. 生物炭颗粒表面元素组成
The SEM-EDS results further indicated that the contents of Si, Al, Fe, and O elements on the surface of aged bio were significantly increased, as compared to those on fresh bio which means that the aged bio was attached with soil minerals (e.g.,SiO2). Moreover, the surface contents of soil mineral elements (Si, Al, and Fe) on the aged bio were decreased after scraping the surface substances.

Fig. 2. EDS images of the bio’s surface elements
3. 生物炭矿物组成、吸附性、官能团及抗氧化性
XRD results further supported the existence of certain minerals on the aged bio. The surface area of the bio after the field aging was significantly smaller than the fresh bio (Fig. 3b), consistent with the mineral accumulation of soil minerals on the surface of the bio after the field aging, which blocked the cracks and channels (Fig. 1d, 2, and 3a). The discrepancy between the FTIR spectra of interior bio and the surface substances indicated the high possibility of organo-mineral complexations, which had been widely reported. The oxidation test showed that the aged bio with composite layer formed has a higher resistance to chemical oxidation than the fresh bio. The chemical oxidation test indirectly proved that the soil minerals attached to the aged bio can enhance the anti-chemical oxidation process of the bio in the soil environment.

图3. 生物炭物理化学性质表征
Fig. 3. Characterization of physicochemical properties of bio
(a) XRD pattern, (b) SSA, (c) FTIR spectra, and (d) Result of Oxidation experiment. (“Aged bio*” was abbreviated for “Aged bio with surface removed”)
4. 生物炭颗粒机械性能
The results suggested the improvement of bio particles’ mechanical strength after the field aging process, which would benefit the sequestration of particle internal structure and substances. The improvement of compressive strength of the aged bio particles indicates that they might be able to withstand a higher mechanical pressure than the fresh bio particles, leading to relative lower potential environmental risks, e.g., less fragmentation, less surface carbon loss, and more benefits for the microbial communities in the bio particles.

Fig. 4. Mechanical performance analysis
5. 生物炭对土壤CO2或N2O排放的影响
Fresh bio had no significant impact on soilCO2emissions, and significantly reduced soil accumulatedN2Oemissions; aged bio further significantly reduced soilCO2andN2Oemissions (P<0.05); after scraping off the surface material of aged bio, the soilCO2emission reduction effect of aged bio has disappeared while the soilN2Oemission reduction effect was weakened. The results indicated that the surface material of the aged bio (containing more organic-mineral complexes) played an important role in reducing soilCO2andN2Oemissions.

图5. 土壤CO2或N2O排放速率或累积排放量
Fig. 5. The impact of bio on soilCO2orN2Oemissions
(“Aged bio*” was abbreviated for “Aged bio without surface substances”)
总结 | Conclusions
These results indicate that soil minerals could accumulate on the bio during the field aging process, forming organo-mineral complexes, blocking the cracks and channels of the bio, and improving its mechanical properties. The improved mechanical properties could inhibit the fragmentation of bio particles, reducing the release of labile fractions from the bio and the subsequentCO2andN2Oemissions. These findings also indicate that adjusting the mechanical properties of bio particles to improve their physical stability before adding them into the soil, may be a potential way to better control the release of soilCO2andN2Oemissions.
原标题:好文推荐 | 浙大朱利中院士:生物炭“土盔甲”助力土壤温室气体减排